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Waterbury Smiles Blog

5 Tips to Adjust to Dentures in Waterbury

July 19, 2018

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 8:12 pm

full and partial denturesDentures in Waterbury, whether full or partial, are an excellent option to restore your incomplete smile. As an affordable and convenient solution to fill the space of missing teeth, you will regain your ability to eat your favorite foods and speak clearly. Due to several advancements over the years, they now look more natural than ever while offering a comfortable fit. Although they will replace your missing teeth, there will be an adjustment period. They will not feel like your natural teeth; however, in no time at all, you will adjust to them using a few simple tips.

Discover the Signs of Failure for Dental Implants in Waterbury

July 9, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 9:05 pm

dental implantAre you ready to replace your missing teeth with dental implants in Waterbury? That is a smart decision. You will restore your quality of life with the most predictable and reliable option to treat tooth loss. Offering over a 95% success rate, you can benefit from a solution that has the potential to last for a lifetime. To protect your investment, it is best to learn how to spot the signs of a complication that can hurt the long-term success of your procedure. Although dental implant failure is rare, it can occur. To help save your smile, it is best to call your dentist at the first sign of an issue.

4 Tips from Your Family Dentist in Waterbury to Protect Your Child’s Smile this Summer

June 26, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:20 pm

mother and daughterSummer is one of the most exciting times of year for kids. With no school, it means plenty of sunshine and outdoor activities. You do not want an unexpected dental emergency to interrupt their festivities. Although you never expect it to happen to your family, one in six Americans will face one this year. Children are no exception. If you are not careful, you may find yourself having to visit your family dentist in Waterbury for a dental emergency. To prevent an unplanned visit, there are several things that you can do at home to help protect your child’s smile.

Do Porcelain Veneers in Waterbury Stain?

June 16, 2018

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: , — drmarini @ 4:16 pm

two veneersAre you ready for a bright beautiful smile? Have you made the choice to use porcelain veneers in Waterbury? That is great. By attaching the thin shells to the front surfaces of your teeth, you will cover your dark tooth discoloration. In addition to making your teeth whiter, they will also improve their size, shape, and proportion. While you are ready to say good-bye to your dull discolored smile, you are concerned about future stains. With porcelain veneers, you have nothing to fear.

Family Dentist in Waterbury Has Tips to Choose the Right Toothpaste

May 29, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 2:40 pm

man brushing his teethThe foundation to your family’s healthy smiles starts at home with proper oral hygiene habits and the right dental products. In addition to toothbrushes, the toothpastes your loved ones’ use is their first line of defense against preventable issues, like tooth decay and gums disease, but which is best? There are many different types on the market, making it difficult to choose. To make the right choice for your loved ones, your family dentist in Waterbury has some important tips to keep in mind.

Get Your Dream Smile with Your Dentist in Waterbury

May 19, 2018

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 2:41 pm

woman with attractive smileDo you hate smiling because you do not like the appearance of your teeth? You are not alone. In fact, one-third of adults feel the same way. As much as 28% of people avoid smiling in pictures because of how their teeth look. With the appearance of your teeth directly influencing your confidence, it is easy to feel insecure about the cosmetic flaws. Did you know that you do not have to live with less than perfect teeth? You can get the smile of your dreams with your dentist in Waterbury. Using specialized procedures, you can drastically improve your self-esteem.

5 Tips to Find the Perfect Dentist in Waterbury

April 21, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:13 pm

welcoming dentistAre you looking for a new dentist in Waterbury? You have a difficult decision to make. There are many excellent options in the area, but which is the right one for you? You have unique oral health needs and specific expectations when it comes to the care you receive. As a result, not all dentists will meet your needs. To ensure that you pick the right one, there are several factors to keep in mind when making your decision.

5 FAQs about Root Canal Therapy in Waterbury

April 11, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:09 pm

Tooth with a root canalHas your dentist recently recommended that you have root canal therapy in Waterbury? If so, your first thought may be as to whether the procedure is necessary? Let’s face it, it has a bad reputation for being painful, so you do not want to undergo one if you do not have to. While this may have been true in the past, new advancements now make them no worse than a traditional dental filling; however, before you are ready to schedule your appointment, you have several questions. To give you peace of mind to head into your procedure with confidence, here are the answers you need.

Partials vs. Dentures in Waterbury: Which is Right for Me?

March 13, 2018

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , — drmarini @ 3:34 pm

Partial dentureAre you ready to stop living with an incomplete smile? If you are ready to replace your missing teeth, you are probably wondering if you need partials or dentures in Waterbury? While they are often considered to be the same, there are clear differences between the two. Your severity of tooth loss will determine which prosthetic will be your best solution to complete your smile.

Are Dental Implants in Waterbury the Right Option for Me?

March 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 3:31 pm

Model of dental implantDo you miss eating your favorite foods because they have become too difficult to chew because you have lost teeth? If you no longer feel confident about your smile, you can restore your quality of life with dental implants in Waterbury. While you may have tried traditional forms of tooth replacement in the past, like dentures, you did not get the results you had wanted. You are not out of options. You can regain the next best thing to your natural teeth with a predictable and reliable solution.

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