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Waterbury Smiles Blog

Dentist in Waterbury Explains What You Need to Know about Root Canals

February 10, 2018

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 3:03 pm

Inside of a toothHas your dentist recently recommended that you have root canal therapy? If so, it is natural to be a bit hesitant about the procedure. Not only do they have a bad reputation for being painful, but you may have some questions about the necessity of the treatment. Since it will permanently alter your tooth, it is best to head into the appointment feeling confident about your decision. To help you make the right choice, there are some things you should know about the upcoming procedure with your dentist in Waterbury.

Don’t Underestimate Regular Appointments with Your Dentist in Waterbury

January 28, 2018

Filed under: General Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:30 pm

Woman having a dental checkupThe health and appearance of your smile is important to you, which is why you brush and floss your teeth every day. Did you know that regular visits to your dentist in Waterbury are equally as important as your home oral hygiene habits? Although it is often believed that you do not need to see your dentist until after a problem has developed, the American Dental Association recommends that you have a checkup and cleaning every 6 months. Unfortunately, only one-third of adults saw their dentist last year. If you are among those who skipped their preventive appointment, you may want to reconsider delaying the care you need.

Brighten Your Smile This Year with Your Dentist in Waterbury

January 8, 2018

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:24 pm

Before and after teeth whiteningHow often have you found yourself feeling insecure about the appearance of your teeth due to discoloration? If the answer is more often than not, you are not alone. In fact, 80% of adults want to reverse the visibility of stains. This year, you can get the results you have always wanted with your dentist in Waterbury. With teeth whitening, you can invest in our confidence with a simple and effective treatment.

Discover Your Tooth Replacement Options with Your Dentist in Waterbury

December 27, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , — drmarini @ 4:14 pm

Older woman smilingAlthough you had never expected it to happen to you, you are now among the 120 million adults in the United States who are living with tooth loss. When one or more teeth are missing, it significantly decreases your quality of life and your confidence. You can find it difficult to chew certain foods and speak clearly while you often hide your smile due to insecurities about your appearance. To replace your missing teeth, you now have many different options. Your dentist in Waterbury can improve your self-esteem and daily life with dentures or dental implants, but which is the right option for you?

Dentist in Waterbury Recommends You Brush Your Tongue

December 18, 2017

Filed under: General Dentistry — drmarini @ 4:19 pm

Woman sticking out tongueTo protect your dental health from complications, like tooth decay and gum disease, the American Dental Association recommends that you brush your teeth twice a day for at least two minutes each session. However, your teeth are not the only area you should be brushing. Did you know that brushing your tongue is equally as important? It harbors bacteria that can lead to bad breath and other dental complications. Your dentist in Waterbury not only recommends that your brush your teeth to protect your smile, but your tongue as well.

A Root Canal in Waterbury will Save Your Tooth from Extraction

November 18, 2017

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 3:59 pm

Woman smiling at dental appointmentIf you have a tooth that has been severely damaged by decay or an infection, your dentist has likely recommended that you have a root canal in Waterbury. However, you are having second thoughts about the procedure. Instead, you are considering having the tooth extracted. While this may seem like the simpler option, the long-term complications from tooth loss are not in your best interest. It is best to follow your dentist’s advice to have the tooth treated with root canal therapy.

Hidden Tooth Root Infection May Lead to Heart Disease

November 3, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:21 pm

In recent years, more and more research has concentrated on explaining the link between poor oral health and chronic and systemic illnesses. University of Helsinki researchers may have established an association between tooth root infection and coronary syndrome (heart disease). Keep reading to learn more about tooth root infection, its connection to heart disease, and how working with a trusted dentist to maintain your healthiest smile – might just save your life!


Dentist in Waterbury Is Excited About 2016 Discoveries

September 17, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 7:58 pm

interior dental practiceDental technology and research is advancing at the speed of light, it seems. Things are a lot different from the days when we barely had anesthesia to keep you calm during a filling or extraction — and we know you’ll agree that’s a great thing.


Transform Your Smile with Your Cosmetic Dentist in Waterbury

August 16, 2017

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — Tags: — drmarini @ 8:52 pm

Woman in white smilingYour smile has a large impact on your self-esteem. If you do not love the appearance of your teeth, you probably find yourself not smiling as often or feel as though people are judging you based on your appearance. You have thought about improving your teeth with cosmetic dentistry, but feel as though it is too expensive or is not right for you. Several advancements in dentistry have now made it more affordable, allowing people from all walks of life to enhance their smile. Now, you can find all the services you need with your cosmetic dentist in Waterbury. No matter if you suffer from discoloration, chips, abnormally shaped teeth, or alignment issues, you can get the smile of your dreams from one location.

Restore Your Smile with Your Premier Dentist in Waterbury

August 6, 2017

Filed under: Restorative Dentistry — Tags: , — drmarini @ 8:47 pm

Woman in dental chairYour teeth are designed to last for a lifetime with the right care. However, there are times when you may not have placed an importance on your oral hygiene habits, leading to decay. In some cases, your best efforts could have still led to damage. No matter the reason behind your compromised oral health, you need a restorative dentist in Waterbury to repair your teeth. Depending on the severity of the issues you face, you may need something as simple as a dental filling or a more advanced treatment, like a root canal. There are several procedures that can be used to restore your oral health.

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