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Waterbury Smiles Blog

The Harmful Effects of Brushing Your Teeth Too Hard

June 9, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 6:06 pm
Woman with sensitive teeth due to overaggressive brushing

Are you serious about protecting oral hygiene? You may diligently use a mouthwash, floss once a day, and brush twice a day. You certainly deserve commendation for your good habits! However, there are cases in which individuals have become too enthusiastic about oral hygiene; they may apply too much pressure when they brush their teeth. A dentist in Waterbury is here to explain how overaggressive brushing can harm your smile and how you can apply proper brushing technique.


5 COVID-19 Concerns of At-Risk Patients

May 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 4:51 pm

Older woman smiling after dentist in Waterbury.There’s still much to learn about COVID-19, but we know the virus can affect anyone; however, there are certain people who have a higher risk of serious complications. Although some people may never show any signs of illness, others can suffer potentially deadly complications because of underlying conditions. If you’re an at-risk patient, you’ve probably been taking extra precautions to stay healthy, which means you might not be visiting your dentist in Waterbury regularly. Your dentist understands your situation. Here are 5 common concerns of at-risk patients and what your dentist is doing to keep you healthy.


Is Your Bad Breath a Sign of a Bigger Problem?

April 18, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 4:06 am

Woman embarrassed by her bad breath at dentist in Waterbury.Everyone experiences bad breath (halitosis) occasionally, like after eating onion or garlic. Unfortunately, the foul odor can be an ongoing source of embarrassment for other people. In fact, as much as 45% of people have some level of halitosis. While you might attribute it to the foods you eat, it could be a symptom of an underlying problem, like poor oral hygiene or a sinus infection. Your dentist in Waterbury will pinpoint the cause to stop the odor in its tracks.


5 Tips for Choosing a General Dentist

March 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 7:52 pm

Woman sitting in dental chair at dentist in Waterbury.Besides your toothbrush and floss, your dentist in Waterbury is essential to keep your smile healthy. Whether you’re new to the area or you’re looking for a change, there are many great dental practices in the community, but which is right for you? There isn’t a “one size fits all dentist” because everyone has unique oral health needs. Don’t worry, here are 5 simple tips to help you find the right dentist to care for your smile.


Encourage Good Oral Hygiene In Your Child With Help From a Family Dentist

February 20, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 8:40 pm
Little boy brushing his teeth at a family dentist visit

If you’re a parent, you know that young children are like sponges that absorb everything around them. And since they’ll never learn quite as much as they do in the early years, it’s the perfect time to instill oral hygiene habits that will stay with them for life. The payoff is well worth the effort and includes fewer toothaches, less dental work, and more self-confidence in childhood and beyond. But where should you start? In addition to regular checkups with a family dentist in Waterbury, good habits at home are also crucial. Keep reading to find out why good oral health begins in childhood and how you can give your kids a great start!


5 Tips to Care for Your Porcelain Veneers

January 17, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 10:17 pm

woman brushing her teethAre you tired of looking in the mirror at your imperfect smile? Porcelain veneers in Waterbury are a simple solution to get the smile of your dreams. The thin shells instantly improve the color, size, shape, and proportion of your teeth using a minimally invasive procedure. They can last for a decade or longer if you take the time to care for your veneers properly. Here are 5 easy tips to help you protect your investment.


Cosmetic Dentistry VS Restorative Dentistry: Which is Right for Me?

December 27, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 6:56 pm

woman with an attractive smileThe dental field is constantly evolving through new innovations. This transforms the services you receive to create a healthy, beautiful smile that lasts. Although dental care focuses on prevention, many patients have imperfect teeth. Whether from disease, decay, trauma, genetics, or another issue, your cosmetic dentist in Waterbury can fix your teeth; however, you might also need restorative dentistry. While they are considered separate forms of treatment, now they often overlap. Here’s what you need to know to achieve your best smile possible.


Are Porcelain Veneers Right for Me?

December 7, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 6:51 pm

dental veneerIf your teeth are less than perfect, you don’t need to live with the smile you see in the mirror. You might be a candidate for porcelain veneers in Waterbury. You can significantly improve the color, size, shape, and proportion of your teeth using one minimally invasive treatment. Even if you have alignment issues or existing dental work, you might still be a candidate for veneers. Here’s what you need to know to determine if porcelain veneers are right for you.


Is Your Tongue Connected to Your Oral Health?

November 22, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drmarini @ 9:43 pm

woman’s tongueDid you know your teeth and gums aren’t the only indicators of your current oral health? Your tongue can also shed light on potential issues that might be brewing in your mouth. Your family dentist in Waterbury pays careful attention to your tongue during routine examinations to look for anything concerning. With quick detection, your dentist will restore your dental health for a beautiful smile.


Discover the Process of Dental Implants

November 14, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: — drmarini @ 4:47 pm

parts of a dental implantDental implants in Waterbury are the most effective solution to replace missing teeth. They have over a 95% success rate and closely mimic your natural teeth. Their success is largely attributed to the multi-step process needed to replicate the entire structure of a tooth, including the root. Although the process will take several months, it’s time well spent to ensure your new smile has the foundation it needs to thrive. Here’s what you can expect while on your journey to a complete smile.


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